Learn core digital marketing concepts with hands-on practice. Master social media marketing and various online strategies to gain career-ready confidence.
What Will You Learn?
- Design and execute effective digital marketing strategies.
- Gain expertise in core digital marketing areas, including:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising
Email Marketing
Content Marketing
Web Analytics - Leverage digital tools and platforms to enhance online presence and boost audience engagement
- Evaluate and improve the performance of digital marketing campaigns.
- Implement best practices in content creation, audience segmentation, and conversion optimization.
This course will be on developing digital marketing concepts along with practical application. This course also includes marketing through different social media. We expect the students of this course will be confident to start their career in the area of digital marketing. The objective of the course is to help students to understand various digital marketing methods.
Lessons Of Course
MODULE No. 1 |
20H |
MODULE No. 2 |
40H |